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컴퓨터공학/Boot & Angular

Angular> Online Shop Template 적용

부트스트랩 설치

npm install bootstrap을 입력

버전 차이로 보안 취약점이 생긴 것이다. 

해결책이 써있다. 

npm audit fix

그리고 npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free 입력

npm audit fix 를 쳐도 vulnerabilities가 사라지지 않는데 그냥 무시하자.

package.json하고 node_modules를 보면 잘 있다..

angular.json을 보면 "styles" : [ "src/styles.css" ]가 있는데 

angular 프로젝트의 모든 곳에 적용되는 CSS이다.

여기에 node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css

node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css을 넣는다. 

부트스트랩 적용했으니 index.html에 있던 거 삭제


그리고 local custom CSS 인 src/styles.css 파일에 새로운 내용 넣기



template 파일 Angular에 적용



<div class="page-wrapper">

  <!-- MENU SIDEBAR-->
  <aside class="menu-sidebar d-none d-lg-block">
    <div class="logo">
      <a href="#">
        <img src="assets/images/logo.png" alt="seol" class="img-responsive">
    <div class="menu-sidebar-content js-scrollbar1">
      <nav class="navbar-sidebar">
        <ul class="list-unstyled navbar-list">
            <a href="#">Books</a>
            <a href="#">Coffee Mugs</a>
            <a href="#">Mouse Pads</a>
            <a href="#">Luggage Tags</a>

  <div class="page-container">
    <!-- HEADER DESKTOP-->
    <header class="header-desktop">
      <div class="section-content section-content-p30">
        <div class="container-fluid">
          <div class="header-wrap">
            <form class="form-header" onsubmit="return false;" method="GET">
              <input class="au-input au-input-xl" type="text" name="search" placeholder="Search for data ..." />
              <button class="au-btn-submit" type="submit">
            <div class="cart-area d-n">
              <a href="shopping-detail.html">
                <div class="total">19.22 <span> 2</span> </div> <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
          <div class="account-wrap"></div>

    <!-- MAIN CONTENT-->



    <li><a href="#">About Us</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Help</a></li>




필요한 CSS 스타일을 구글에서 찾아 쓰는 법

1. style.css 파일에서 style 이름을 복사한다. 

2. 구글에 검색한다. 

3. fa로 시작하는 스타일은 fontawesome일 가능성이 크다. 



product-list.component.html 수정




index.html이 가장 먼저 실행되는데 app-root 태그가 있다.

태그와 html을 연결하는 ts 파일인 app.component.ts는 app-root 와 app.component.html 이어주는 정보가 있다. 

app.component.html 내용에는 페이지 내용 구성이 써져있고 app-product-list 태그가 있다.

product-list.component.ts에 app-product-list 태그와 product-list.component.html이 연결되어 있다.

그리고 product-list.component.html에서 사용할 수 있는 데이터를 정의한다. 

service를 불러서 데이터를 가져와 배열에 넣고 html에서 for문 돌려서 사용. 

배열 클래스 객체는 ts로 정의.

service도 ts로 정의. 

service는 httpClient로 데이터베이스에 request하고 response를 받아 클래스 객체 배열에 저장.

app.module.ts에서 service 등록



데이터베이스 테이블 데이터 칼럼 수정과 데이터 입력

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- 스키마 생성
-- -----------------------------------------------------
DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS `full-stack-ecommerce`;

CREATE SCHEMA `full-stack-ecommerce`;
USE `full-stack-ecommerce` ;

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- 테이블 만들기 `full-stack-ecommerce`.`product_category`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `full-stack-ecommerce`.`product_category` (
  `category_name` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`))

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- 테이블 만들기 `full-stack-ecommerce`.`product`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `full-stack-ecommerce`.`product` (
  `description` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `unit_price` DECIMAL(13,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `image_url` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `active` BIT DEFAULT 1,
  `units_in_stock` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date_created` DATETIME(6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `last_updated` DATETIME(6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `category_id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `fk_category` (`category_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `fk_category` FOREIGN KEY (`category_id`) REFERENCES `product_category` (`id`)

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Categories 데이터 추가
-- -----------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO product_category(category_name) VALUES ('Books');
INSERT INTO product_category(category_name) VALUES ('Coffee Mugs');
INSERT INTO product_category(category_name) VALUES ('Mouse Pads');
INSERT INTO product_category(category_name) VALUES ('Luggage Tags');

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Books 데이터 추가
-- -----------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1000', 'Crash Course in Python', 'Learn Python at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1000.png', 1, 100, 14.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1001', 'Become a Guru in JavaScript', 'Learn JavaScript at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1001.png', 1, 100, 20.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1002', 'Exploring Vue.js', 'Learn Vue.js at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1002.png', 1, 100, 14.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1003', 'Advanced Techniques in Big Data', 'Learn Big Data at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1003.png', 1, 100, 13.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1004', 'Crash Course in Big Data', 'Learn Big Data at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1004.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1005', 'JavaScript Cookbook', 'Learn JavaScript at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1005.png', 1, 100, 23.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1006', 'Beginners Guide to SQL', 'Learn SQL at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1006.png', 1, 100, 14.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1007', 'Advanced Techniques in JavaScript', 'Learn JavaScript at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1007.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1008', 'Introduction to Spring Boot', 'Learn Spring Boot at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1008.png', 1, 100, 25.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1009', 'Become a Guru in React.js', 'Learn React.js at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1009.png', 1, 100, 23.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1010', 'Beginners Guide to Data Science', 'Learn Data Science at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1010.png', 1, 100, 24.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1011', 'Advanced Techniques in Java', 'Learn Java at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1011.png', 1, 100, 19.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1012', 'Exploring DevOps', 'Learn DevOps at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1012.png', 1, 100, 24.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1013', 'The Expert Guide to SQL', 'Learn SQL at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1013.png', 1, 100, 19.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1014', 'Introduction to SQL', 'Learn SQL at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1014.png', 1, 100, 22.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1015', 'The Expert Guide to JavaScript', 'Learn JavaScript at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1015.png', 1, 100, 22.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1016', 'Exploring React.js', 'Learn React.js at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1016.png', 1, 100, 27.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1017', 'Advanced Techniques in React.js', 'Learn React.js at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1017.png', 1, 100, 13.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1018', 'Introduction to C#', 'Learn C# at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1018.png', 1, 100, 26.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1019', 'Crash Course in JavaScript', 'Learn JavaScript at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1019.png', 1, 100, 13.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1020', 'Introduction to Machine Learning', 'Learn Machine Learning at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1020.png', 1, 100, 19.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1021', 'Become a Guru in Java', 'Learn Java at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1021.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1022', 'Introduction to Python', 'Learn Python at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1022.png', 1, 100, 26.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1023', 'Advanced Techniques in C#', 'Learn C# at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1023.png', 1, 100, 22.99, 1, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1024', 'The Expert Guide to Machine Learning', 'Learn Machine Learning at your own pace. The author explains how the technology works in easy-to-understand language. This book includes working examples that you can apply to your own projects. Purchase the book and get started today!', 'assets/images/products/books/book-luv2code-1024.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 1, NOW());

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Coffee Mugs 데이터 추가
-- -----------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1000', 'Coffee Mug - Express', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1000.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1001', 'Coffee Mug - Cherokee', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1001.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1002', 'Coffee Mug - Sweeper', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1002.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1003', 'Coffee Mug - Aspire', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1003.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1004', 'Coffee Mug - Dorian', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1004.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1005', 'Coffee Mug - Columbia', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1005.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1006', 'Coffee Mug - Worthing', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1006.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1007', 'Coffee Mug - Oak Cliff', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1007.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1008', 'Coffee Mug - Tachyon', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1008.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1009', 'Coffee Mug - Pan', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1009.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1010', 'Coffee Mug - Phase', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1010.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1011', 'Coffee Mug - Falling', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1011.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1012', 'Coffee Mug - Wispy', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1012.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1013', 'Coffee Mug - Arlington', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1013.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1014', 'Coffee Mug - Gazing', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1014.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1015', 'Coffee Mug - Azura', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1015.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1016', 'Coffee Mug - Quantum Leap', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1016.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1017', 'Coffee Mug - Light Years', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1017.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1018', 'Coffee Mug - Taylor', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1018.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1019', 'Coffee Mug - Gracia', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1019.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1020', 'Coffee Mug - Relax', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1020.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1021', 'Coffee Mug - Windermere', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1021.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1022', 'Coffee Mug - Prancer', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1022.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1023', 'Coffee Mug - Recursion', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1023.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('COFFEEMUG-1024', 'Coffee Mug - Treasure', 'Do you love mathematics? If so, then you need this elegant coffee mug with an amazing fractal design. You don\'t have to worry about boring coffee mugs anymore. This coffee mug will be the topic of conversation in the office, guaranteed! Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/coffeemugs/coffeemug-luv2code-1024.png', 1, 100, 18.99, 2, NOW());

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Mouse Pads 데이터 추가
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INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1000', 'Mouse Pad - Express', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1000.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1001', 'Mouse Pad - Cherokee', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1001.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1002', 'Mouse Pad - Sweeper', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1002.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1003', 'Mouse Pad - Aspire', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1003.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1004', 'Mouse Pad - Dorian', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1004.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1005', 'Mouse Pad - Columbia', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1005.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1006', 'Mouse Pad - Worthing', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1006.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1007', 'Mouse Pad - Oak Cliff', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1007.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1008', 'Mouse Pad - Tachyon', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1008.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1009', 'Mouse Pad - Pan', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1009.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1010', 'Mouse Pad - Phase', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1010.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1011', 'Mouse Pad - Falling', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1011.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1012', 'Mouse Pad - Wispy', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1012.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1013', 'Mouse Pad - Arlington', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1013.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1014', 'Mouse Pad - Gazing', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1014.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1015', 'Mouse Pad - Azura', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1015.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1016', 'Mouse Pad - Quantum Leap', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1016.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1017', 'Mouse Pad - Light Years', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1017.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1018', 'Mouse Pad - Taylor', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1018.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1019', 'Mouse Pad - Gracia', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1019.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1020', 'Mouse Pad - Relax', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1020.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1021', 'Mouse Pad - Windermere', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1021.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1022', 'Mouse Pad - Prancer', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1022.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1023', 'Mouse Pad - Recursion', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1023.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('MOUSEPAD-1024', 'Mouse Pad - Treasure', 'Fractal images are amazing! You can now own a mouse pad with a unique and amazing fractal. The mouse pad is made of a durable and smooth material. Your mouse will easily glide across the mouse pad. This mouse pad will brighten your workspace. Buy it now!', 'assets/images/products/mousepads/mousepad-luv2code-1024.png', 1, 100, 17.99, 3, NOW());

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Luggage Tags 데이터 추가
-- -----------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1000', 'Luggage Tag - Cherish', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1000.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1001', 'Luggage Tag - Adventure', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1001.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1002', 'Luggage Tag - Skyline', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1002.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1003', 'Luggage Tag - River', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1003.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1004', 'Luggage Tag - Trail Steps', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1004.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1005', 'Luggage Tag - Blooming', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1005.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1006', 'Luggage Tag - Park', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1006.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1007', 'Luggage Tag - Beauty', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1007.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1008', 'Luggage Tag - Water Fall', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1008.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1009', 'Luggage Tag - Trail', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1009.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1010', 'Luggage Tag - Skyscraper', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1010.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1011', 'Luggage Tag - Leaf', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1011.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1012', 'Luggage Tag - Jungle', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1012.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1013', 'Luggage Tag - Shoreline', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1013.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1014', 'Luggage Tag - Blossom', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1014.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1015', 'Luggage Tag - Lock', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1015.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1016', 'Luggage Tag - Cafe', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1016.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1017', 'Luggage Tag - Darling', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1017.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1018', 'Luggage Tag - Full Stack', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1018.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1019', 'Luggage Tag - Courtyard', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1019.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1020', 'Luggage Tag - Coaster', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1020.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1021', 'Luggage Tag - Bridge', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1021.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1022', 'Luggage Tag - Sunset', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1022.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1023', 'Luggage Tag - Flames', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1023.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());
INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock, unit_price, category_id,date_created) VALUES ('LUGGAGETAG-1024', 'Luggage Tag - Countryside', 'This luggage tag will help you identify your luggage. The luggage tag is very unique and it will stand out from the crowd. The luggage tag is created out of a rugged and durable plastic. Buy this luggage tag now to make it easy to identify your luggage!', 'assets/images/products/luggagetags/luggagetag-luv2code-1024.png', 1, 100, 16.99, 4, NOW());


카테고리와 아이템 테이블을 만들고 카테고리 당 25개의 아이템을 넣는다. 



완벽하게 들어갔는데 ImageUrl에 맞게 이미지파일을 경로에 넣자.

경로는 src/assets/images/products 이다. 


기본적으로 Spring Data Rest 는 첫 페이지에 20개 아이템만 보여준다. 

product.service.ts에서 위와 같이 url를 수정.

size=100을 넣으면 됨.

근데 사실 페이지 기능을 넣을 거니 필요없다.